Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Secure Chip Identifier List

Useful resource: a list of ATR/ATS for secure chip ICs and their COSs. Mirror here.

From the list:

3B 88 80 01 00 73 C8 40 13 00 90 00 71
 Nokia 6131 NFC phone
 Giesecke & Devrient’s (G&D) Sm@rtCafé Expert 3.1 

3B 8D 80 01 0D 78 80 84 02 00 73 C8 40 13 00 90 FF F8
 Nokia 6212 phone seen as NFC device

Edit: Rousseau also hosts a free Python ATR parsing service based on the list above.

I also found "Visa Approved Visa GlobalPlatform Card Products as of December 2007" which indicates the COS and IC vendor on VISA certified secure chips.
More (albeit slightly off-topic): "Visa Approved, Visa Smart Debit Credit (VSDC) Chip Cards as of December 2007"
A list of VISA-related documents can be found here (thanks to TwinTech and Google Translate).

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