Tuesday, 30 November 2010

New developments

The contactless sector has now reached the start of the snowball phase, with several NFC pilot projects being announced weekly, new NFC devices being released (Inside Contactless, Infineon and G&D partnership)  bi-weekly, and new TSM service providers and brokers (Ericsson IPX: TSM) going public once a month.
Huge multinational customers are finally getting in on the action (Coca-Cola, Disney, Barclays, and many more).

If the current trend continues, I predict (based on my impressions, for what they're worth) further linear growth in R&D and market size until end Q2 2011. In the next two years we'll see most of the innovation taking place; market penetration rate should reach its peak at the end of 2012. I look forward to revisiting this prediction :)

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